Welcome to Zen Fitness!

As a former client, and now Fitness Counselor and trainer, I look forward to sharing my personal experiences with you to put you on the path to reach your fitness goals. There is no better alternative than Zen for your personal fitness.

1.  How long is a training session?

Training sessions last one hour. Trainers create innovative exercises with an individualized regimen designed to accomplish each client's goals.


2.  Do you offer nutrition guidance?

Yes, we believe there is a synergistic effect between weight training, cardiovascular exercise and nutrition. Nutritional guidance is included in all of our training programs.


3.  How many sessions per week do you recommend?

For fastest results, we recommend training four days per week. Understanding that not everyone can fit four days in per week, our trainers gladly give their clients "homework" for days they are unable to come in to train.


4.  What is the difference between master and expert trainers?

All of our trainers are certified and, in addition, have successfully completed Zen's in house training program. Our master trainers have more years of experience and are equipped to handle training for those with health issues and preexisting injuries. Master trainers are also recommended for massive weight loss.


5.  Do you have to be vegan or plant based to train at Zen Fitness? 

Absolutely not.  We only suggest what we have seen be the most effective diet for optimum health.  Many people that train at Zen are not on a plant based diet and have had great results also.  We design a nutrition program based on your likes and needs.